Thursday, June 22, 2006

Getting Better

Just an update to let ya'll know that Ian is doing better. We have not had to take him to the doctor again so that is good. We will be going to Kansas for the weekend and leaving Ian in Ft. Worth for the weekend, which being our first time to leave him overnight, it's a little bit scary. But thats just us being parents, we know he'll be ok with his grandma.

I am kind of disappointed not to take him home, but we are not sure that a 5-6 hour car ride would be the best thing for him or us at this age. Anyway, I hope everyone has a great weekend and i'll leave you with a picture.

Ian's Pictures

For anyone who would like to see the "collection", you can visit Nathan's website for some good ones. Nathan was up for father's day and was able to get more pictures of him for the collection.
Theres only one picture from this weekend up now, but he should have them up shortly.

Friday, June 16, 2006

And in the Blue Corner....

From Cleburne, TX. Weighing in at 14lbs 8oz. Wearing the blue robe and white diaper. The one.....the only.......

IAN "I Pitty the Fool" ELDER

Sorry for the Wait!

This was supposed to be underway a while back and I have not had the time to get it started, but here it is.....Ian's Blog. For now this will be where Rachel and I will post new pictures of Ian and leave updates on his growth. We hope to capture as much of the excitement as possible.

Keep this site in your favorites and check it out every once in a while. I will try to leave something on here at least weekly. Eventually this will all be done on his own website that he can have and develop as he grows older in this technological world.

Again, sorry for the wait, but it should prove to be worth it!

Not Feeling So Well

This is just a quick update on Ian. He has had a case of diarrea for a little over a week now and it is starting to worry us a bit. We have taken him to the doctor twice and he seems to think all will be alright so thats good.

We took him to the doctor last on Monday of this week. It is now Friday and not much has changed. For the most part he does not seem too sick but his digestive problems persist. If he is still having trouble on Saturday, we will make one more trip to the doctors office with a stool sample.

But like I said, he seems to be doing alright, but just keep him in your prayers and we will keep you informed as we know anything.

Ian's Grandmas

Ian has been blessed with a great family on both sides. There will be plenty of pictures of everyone, however, i will start with the grandmothers because both are so excited about thier new grandson. i know that everyone is excited too, but if you saw these two with him you'd know that there is just something a little bit different about the way a grandma gets excited.

This is my mom. She lives in Wichita, KS and came down to visit the week after Ian was born. She got to see him while he was on the "billy lights" to help with his jaundice for the first week home. Between my two sisters and I we have seven children, only two of which are boys. This is my mom's second grandson. You could say that the boys in my family are definitly out numbered......

And this is Rachel's mom. She lives here in Texas and Ian is her first grandchild. It's already pretty evident too in the way he gets spoiled when he's with her. She has bought him a few outfits that he looks pretty cute in, here one of them........

I can think of no two women that would be better grandmothers for my son than these two. Along with the rest of our family, that will be in posts to come, we have been blessed greatly with the family that God has placed around us to help Ian develop into the well-rounded, loving man we know he will be.