Sunday, November 09, 2008

Grandpa comes to visit

I realize that it has been nearly 2 whole months since our last post - I would go into a long explanation about why but I'll just sum it up with ~ the days are sometimes long but the weeks and months go by so quickly. Anyway... Grandpa (Steve's dad) came to visit the boys in September and we had a great time visiting and going to the zoo. Aunt Lisa and cousin Karlly came with us too. Here are some pics of our time together ~

Ian loves to invite people back to his crib (or toddler bed;) and read with them or play cars. Here's Ian and Grandpa reading together.

Later that day, we went to the zoo - for some reason we don't really have many "ZOO" type pictures, so I just had to throw this elephant in there for proof.

Hudson, chill as always, practicing his yoga while we walk the wildlife terrain.

Steve and Ian climbing what I'm pretty sure is termite poo...

Yea!!! We made it to the top!!!
Another picture of cutie Hudson just hanging out...

The next day, after Grandpa survived the zoo with us, he came back for some more lovin' from the boys.

Generation Elder
Ian, Grandpa Mike, Steve, Hudson

I just love this sweet picture of Hudson and Grandpa!!

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