Just a quick update. Ian was definitely feeling sick, I know this because he was a willing participant in going to the doctor for the 1st time in a long while.
He has a viral infection. They did a strep test that came back negative, so for now all we can do is keep his fever down and let it run it's course.
He will be camping out at Grammy's until then as instructed by the doctor, we hope it goes down tonight and he can return home.
He was doing so well, and we have spent so much time away from him that it's beginning to be hard not having him around. You'd think with a two year old and newborn we'd welcome time to get settled, the thing is, we have realized the role Ian plays in our family getting settled and can't wait for him to join us.
Thanks again for your prayers. We been at ease most of the day with the exception of the initial reading of Ian's temperature, so the prayers helped greatly in that regard.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Prayer Request
I wasn't planning on updating this soon, but I just wanted to let everyone know to keep us in your prayers.
Today Ian felt hot and we took his temp., it was 101.7. Normally, this would be just another bug, but given the newborn and the close proximity, we are a bit concerned.
We are taking Hudson in for his initial visit with the pediatritian in the morning, but he wanted to see Ian today. We will go in at 2:30p and as soon as we get home I will let everyone know how it went.
Today Ian felt hot and we took his temp., it was 101.7. Normally, this would be just another bug, but given the newborn and the close proximity, we are a bit concerned.
We are taking Hudson in for his initial visit with the pediatritian in the morning, but he wanted to see Ian today. We will go in at 2:30p and as soon as we get home I will let everyone know how it went.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Ian's New Brother
This is just a quick post to let everyone know that life as the Elder's know it is brand new. On March 26th, Rachel gave birth to Hudson Isaac who weighed 6lbs. 110z. and was 19in. long.

But all with a little nudge from daddy mixed with a little bit of time, Ian began to take to Hudson in a way that made us proud and relieved.

Our biggest fear was our two year old, Ian, and how he would take it. As could be expected, I think there were some initial feelings of uncertainty.

But all with a little nudge from daddy mixed with a little bit of time, Ian began to take to Hudson in a way that made us proud and relieved.

Since we've been home, Ian has tried to share his cell phone, told Hudson to watch "The Backyardigans" (his favorite show), and asked repeatedly to hold his little brother.
We have truly been blessed. There is not much you could say about the arrival of a new baby. But we have also been blessed with an understanding and loving two year old that makes us proud to be parents and let's us know in his own way that our family is on it's way to being what God intended it to be.

I know it's been a while since we have updated Ian's blog. So for all of those that have been hanging around in hopes of watching our little man grow and learn what life is all about, I wanted to let you know what we plan to do in the future.
For the time being, I will attempt to be better about updating this blog. We are not going to delete this blog because Ian will be able to update it himself before we know it and we think it would be good for him to do so.
What we were thinking is that we will start a family blog and make that our primary update site for all who are interested in looking in on us. As soon as we are able to get that up and going we will email the address to everyone as well as post it on here.
I apologize again for the infrequent posting and hope to be better at making it a priority since so many of you live far away.
We love you all and cannot tell you what your thoughts, prayers, and support have meant to us over the past two years.
For the time being, I will attempt to be better about updating this blog. We are not going to delete this blog because Ian will be able to update it himself before we know it and we think it would be good for him to do so.
What we were thinking is that we will start a family blog and make that our primary update site for all who are interested in looking in on us. As soon as we are able to get that up and going we will email the address to everyone as well as post it on here.
I apologize again for the infrequent posting and hope to be better at making it a priority since so many of you live far away.
We love you all and cannot tell you what your thoughts, prayers, and support have meant to us over the past two years.
Ian's 2nd Birthday Party
We recently celebrated Ian's 2nd birthday. We went to "The Little Gym", which I would recommend to anyone who is looking for a great party that is fairly inexpensive and very "hands free" when it comes to something as chaotic as a two year old's birthday party.
"The Little Gym" was great with the kids and helped us in every way imaginable, giving us hassle free planning and giving the kiddos a great time with planned activities (as planned as they could be at that age).
Thanks to all those who could make it, and to all of those who couldn't we missed you and look forward to seeing you soon.

Ian and Momma, just chillin'
Ian and I wrestling. I figured I'd show him some moves since I once got a third place medal for wrestling (there were only three people in my bracket).
Ian's cousin Luke, who probably should be the one showing Ian how to wrestle!

Ian on the beam. He wanted me to let go....maybe next year.
When I see this picture, I hear "The Eye of the Tiger" song.
Those are my skinny legs, I actually played with all the kids and nobody ever told me to get off the equipment. No harm, no foul I guess.
Now it's time for the good stuff, Backyardigans style.
I honestly don't know what's going on here. Looks like bubbles, but that is juice he's drinking.
And finally, what good is a birthday party without a kiss from the fairer sex?
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